Don’t miss ‘An Evening with Philippa Langley’ brought to you by Lincs Inspire Libraries. A treat for any history enthusiasts to hear the producer/writer talk about her inaugurated quest for King Richard’s III’s lost grave as part of her ongoing research into history’s most controversial monarch.
In 2012, Philippa Langley led the search for Richard III in a council car park in Leicester through her original ‘Looking For Richard Project’. Philippa conceived, facilitated and commissioned this unique historical investigation. Following seven and a half years of enquiry, she identified the likely location of the church and grave, instructing exhumation of the human remains uncovered in that exact location. Her project marked the first-ever search for the lost grave of an anointed King of England. She is President of the Scottish Branch of the Richard III Society and in 2015 was awarded Membership of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (MBE) by HM The Queen at Buckingham Palace
The evening of talks will be split into two from 7.00pm ‘The Looking For Richard Project’ Philippa will tell us what inspired her to begin a search for the remains of King Richard III, taking us through the highs and lows, the tears and triumphs which ended with England’s last warrior king being laid to rest in Leicester Cathedral on the 26th March 2015. Following the interval ‘The Missing Princes Project’ with King Richard laid to rest, Philippa turns her attention to this enduring mystery. Will determined research, re-examination of existing sources and a ‘cold-case’ methodology – finally reveal the fate of ‘The Missing Princes.’
During the interval tea, coffee and drinks will be available at the bar.
Talks will be followed by an opportunity for questions to the author and the opportunity to purchase signed copies of her bestselling book about
the discovery ‘The King’s Grave.’
And the evening you will be able to purchase both books at a specially discounted rate.
The King’s Grave – (Philippa Langley and Michael Jones) at £9.99 ( a saving of £3.00). Also Finding Richard III – The Official Account – (Philippa Langley, Annette Carson and Dr John Ashdown Hill and others) – £7.00 ( a saving of £1.50)
If the two books are purchased together – she can offer them both – signed – for £15.00 ( a saving of 6.49 overall)
There will also be the opportunity to view a selection of medieval documents provided courtesy of Lincs Inspire Archives. These include a letter written by Henry VII to the Port Officers of the ‘townes and crekes’ of Grimsby at a time when he was concerned at the appearance of a man calling himself Richard, Duke of York – one of the ‘missing princes!’
During Philippa’s visit she will also be calling in to see the ‘Battles and Dynasties Exhibition’ which is currently being held at The Collection Museum in Lincoln. Exhibits include Richard III’s ‘Book of Hours’ which accompanied the king’s coffin during the reinterment ceremony in March 2015. The exhibition includes some items that are rarely shown outside of London, and include the death warrant of Mary Queen of Scots and Edward VIII’s abdication letter amongst a range of other documents and portraits.
About Philippa Langley
Philippa is a TAPS writer, a BAFTA Rocliffe shortlisted writer, and finalist in SWF’s Scriptmarket and Channel 4’s ‘Son of the Pitch’ competition. Her 90 minute documentary,
The King in the Car Park, made with Channel 4 and Darlow Smithson Productions, was Channel 4’s highest rated specialist factual show ever. The documentary went on to win the Royal Television Society Award for 2013 and a 2014 BAFTA nomination.
In 2013 she co-authored The King’s Grave: The Search for Richard III with military historian Michael Jones which tells Philippa’s remarkable story in search of the king.
Founder of the Richard III Society’s Scottish Branch, and made its Honourary President in 2015, she is a regular contributor to the Ricardian Bulletin magazine and was awarded the Society’s Robert Hamblin Award in 2012 for finding the mortal remains of Richard III.
In 2014, she co-authored Finding Richard III: The Official Account, the book that details the research behind the Looking For Richard Project that got Philippa to the northern end of the Social Services car park in Leicester in search of the king’s grave, writing four of its ten chapters.
On Saturday 22 August 2015, at the 530th anniversary of the Battle of Bosworth, Philippa read the poem ‘Richard’ by the Poet Laureate, Carol Ann Duffy. Leicester Cathedral who commissioned the poem had dedicated it to her on the evening of the king’s re-interment.
On October 9 2015, Philippa was awarded Member of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (MBE) by HM The Queen at Buckingham Palace in recognition of her services to ‘the Exhumation and Identification of Richard III’.
Philippa is now helping others with their searches whilst also undertaking a new research project on King Richard (please see News Page for further info). She hopes to bring the historical Richard III to life on the screen.
An Evening with Philippa Langley
Please note this event has sold out
Friday 11 August 7pm
Held at: Bradley Football Development Centre, Bradley Road, Grimsby, DN37 0AG
Doors open: 6.30pm Talk: 7.00pm