TOOT! A Magical Musical Adventure
In this thrilling 40-minute family concert, five playful musicians set off on an unforgettable journey through music and make-believe, with a little help from a magical dressing-up box!
In this thrilling 40-minute family concert, five playful musicians set off on an unforgettable journey through music and make-believe, with a little help from a magical dressing-up box!
Awful Egyptians: From the fascinating Pharaohs to the power of the pyramids
Terrible Tudors: From the horrible Henries to the end of evil Elizabeth
Hear all about the life of an achiever who has given himself a reason to go on and do superhuman things, superhuman things that now seem normal to him....
Get ready for a dazzling fusion of musical theatre and jaw-dropping circus acts, taking the original Circus meets Musical Theatre spectacle to thrilling new heights.