The Enchanted Princess Ball
Once upon a time, in the land of fairytales, Chester the Castle Jester has muddled up all invitations to The Royal Ball.
Once upon a time, in the land of fairytales, Chester the Castle Jester has muddled up all invitations to The Royal Ball.
Join our swashbuckling party of pirates on their quest to find the fabled Pants of Gold for the Captain’s Treasure chest!
This stunning family show that will offer a much needed escape from reality this Winter.
Join Jurassic Live for a roarsome adventure at the UK'S biggest and best award winning dinosaur show!
Curtain Up Productions Grimsby and Cleethorpes Operatic Society Presents SHREK The Musical. Prepare to leave behind your worries and venture into a realm of boundless amusement, affection, and ogre-sized...
The new hiss-terical, swashbuckling purr-fect pantomime!
The #1 Live Experience for families returns to Grimsby Auditorium in October with a special Half Term MEGA EVENT!