Mr Bloom, as seen on CBeebies, is about to embark on his first ever live UK theatre tour in February 2017. ‘Tiddlers’ of all ages are invited to come and see their favourite gardener and his veggie friends in their brand new stage version of Mr Bloom’s Nursery. As well as featuring Mr Bloom himself (Ben Faulks) the show will also star Colin the Runner Bean, Margaret the Cabbage, Joan the Fennel, Raymond the Butternut Squash, Sebastian the Aubergine and the Wee McGregors, not forgetting Mr Bloom’s trusty Compostarium too. Mr Bloom and his Veggies are getting ready for a very special occasion – a member of the Royal family is paying them visit. Can you lend a hand and help them get the Allotment ready in time? They certainly hope so! Come and sing along to all your favourite songs: ‘This Is My Allotment’, ‘Meet The Veggies, ‘The Compo Song’ and’ Night Night Veggies’.
Using song, play and interaction Mr Bloom’s Nursery is a fun and inspiring show with strong educational values which will entertain parents and Tiddlers alike. Performances start on 10th February 2017 and the show will visit over 50 venues nationwide until 28th April 2017.
Ben Faulks says:- ‘I know all of the Tiddlers out there like watching Mr Bloom on the television, but this is the first time they will be able to come and see me and the Veggies in their local theatre in our very own live show! I am so excited, so are The Veggies, Colin is packing his suitcase already! It’s going to be a great show so make sure you all come along and say ‘Ello.’
Mr Bloom needs no introduction to children under the age of seven. Since 2011 he has appeared regularly on BBC’s pre-school TV channel CBeebies. The character evolved from an original concept
created by Ben Faulks called the Vegetable Nannies, an innovative piece of street theatre consisting of real fresh vegetables being dressed in nappies and looked after by their friendly gardener! The BBC picked up the idea, and the first episode of Mr Bloom’s Nursery was transmitted in 2011 – the show was an instant success. Since then there have been five further series, establishing Mr Bloom as a popular CBeebies character. This live version of Mr Bloom’s Nursery is being produced by Munchkin Entertainment, a brand new theatrical production company.
For dates, venues and tickets please visit the website www.mrbloomlive.co.uk
Follow us on Twitter @MrBloomLive and Facebook /MrBloomLive
If you would like any further information or to discuss editorial or competition opportunities please contact laura@munchkinentertainment.co.uk
Tuesday 18 April 2017
11am & 2pm
£14.00 & £16.00
Recommended Age: 2-7 years